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Just starting off my gardening for youth children .

John Ehrling Any photos?!

Found out our hyacinth has come back from the dead! Very leafy today, and purple sprouting buds are visible!

John Ehrling Awesome! Any photos?

New to Garden Manager. Need help on how to search database of articles. How to link the articles. Tutorial is not clear and the screen is to light in color no contrast.

John Ehrling Hi Jack, I sent you an email to help.

Cucumber, onion, radish, eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and zucchini

John Ehrling Great looking garden plan!

GolfingDad My Spring Garden Plan

Rebecca Also, plant some companion flowers like marigolds, calendula, yarrow, or herbs to help keep pests away!

A. E. Oh wow I didn’t know they keep pests away. Thanks for the tip

Pondering raising meat rabbits.

Miriam Jessop Rabbit manure is gold to gardeners!!


Almost totally in full bloo

John Ehrling Beautiful!

Would you like to make Garden Goals for 2024? Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian shares strategies to plan and plant. Gardening is good for you. Gardening boosts morale, lowers your grocery bill, and is a free fitness center. Sprout a new year’s garden with hope, faith, and garden goals. A garden’s best crop is happiness. Plant some today.

A. E. Beautiful

Almost bloom

Emily Just beginning to think about my community garden at Clark Gardens and what I will plant this spring.

Im new to gardening . I have no experince and have been making research and next week i start on my dream garden. I want flowers and trees and fruits and vegetables . I was told this is the month for planting backyard gardens . Currently making research on frost tolerant tress and shrubs

John Ehrling Try GardenAI, it is part of this app. It can make some recommendations for you!

Rebecca Planting timing all depends on where you live! I'm in New England, and my ground is too hard and cold to plant much of anything yet. What area are you in?

R. Mitchell I have been gardening 50+ years. Big vegetale garden, cottage garden, and hoseplants here in Ohio.

R. Mitchell .......... The important thing is to have a bulldog tenacity, never give up no matter what happens.