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New on the Zesty Table Blog: a preview of what we are planting in the greenhouse!>

I heard planting marigolds, catnip and sage can keep away mosquitoes so I’m going try it

Spring into action this spring with gardening tasks. Dig your fingers into the dirt and let your spirits soar!>

Happy Easter. I made a hummus dip and stuck fresh vegetables in the “dirt”

I am from Canada northern Ontario zone 3 b is this app going to help me

John Ehrling Yes! Hortisketch works for growing in Canada. Also, this community is perfect for asking gardening questions! If you need more help, contact me at

Never fully appreciated spring in New England. It’s slow but so gratifying.

Sonya McGuire Gorgeous!

Now that my amayrillis has finished blooming, I noticed another shoot coming up from the pot, but it doesn’t look like it’s connected to the bulb