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Black mold on fruit trees

John Ehrling What have you tried to fix it?

I just signed up to try this platform. I love gardening, and just growing things. My goal is to grow food for my family to be self sufficient. I bought 10 acres a couple years ago, and during that time I've been making my orchard, and planting perennials that bear food.

This year I'll be continuing with growing my orchard, but expand out to starting my gardening. I want to start off with something that can be stored easily, and our family likes to eat.

It's still snowy here, so I'm still in the planning stage. I hope this is a good platform, and look forward to all the wonderful posts, and knowledge I gain.

A. E. Me too

John Ehrling I look forward to you sharing your photos!

I want to grow lily of the valley. Does it do well as a houseplant?

A. E. Try the Ai feature for help

Rebecca My gut says no? It needs winter dormancy, so I don't think it would be happy indoors

In years past, my biggest problem has been Creeping Charlie weed or ground cover, however you choose to think about it. After talking with my friend, a master gardener, i decided to cooperate with Charlie and use it as a ground cover, keeping it 7 inches away from my plants. Not everyone's solution, but mine for the moment. For me, it's a lot easier.

John Ehrling What a unique idea. Can you share some photos with us?

Anna Yes, I'll take some pics this week.

Having a hard time dragging the vegetables into the grid. It is the size of a dot which doesn't get any bigger when I zoom in. Any ideas how to fix this so I can finish designing my garden?

John Ehrling I look forward to connecting with you to help! See you soon.

A. E. I’ve never had this problem. Try the tutorial for help

Trailing Petunia takes care of all your seed needs. The store is leading supplier that offers an extensive variety of flower seeds & vegetable seeds in bulk for large and small growers. Buy now

Its January and I am ready to get a head start on the gardening season. The picture is my Begonias seeds just starting to sprout. In another few weeks I will be able to transplant into individual cells. If you are interested in the light table in the picture: I am also excited about this new GardenSavvy App. Its “AI” feature is very handy when I go to a nursery as it gives me the ability to look up plant information on the spot.

Couldn’t help myself, just had to bring home a lil Camell

John Ehrling Wow! Beautiful photo. Nice artistic use of a blurred background! [:healthylettuce]

Kerstin Oh my❣️I wouldn’t pass that up either.

Everything. New yard, stands in water after rain for a long time. Very hot during summer. I need drougt resistant native plants, flowering, fragrant as well as info on vegetable garden for this area.

John Ehrling Try asking GardenAI in this app. It is perfect for finding gardening answers.

Sheila nice, sometimes rosemary can be hard to grow

Kerstin I started overwintering my inside. To brush my hand across it in the winter & smell it❗️Ohhh yeah