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Cucumber, onion, radish, eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and zucchini

John Ehrling Great looking garden plan!

GolfingDad My Spring Garden Plan

Rebecca Also, plant some companion flowers like marigolds, calendula, yarrow, or herbs to help keep pests away!

A. E. Oh wow I didn’t know they keep pests away. Thanks for the tip

Its January and I am ready to get a head start on the gardening season. The picture is my Begonias seeds just starting to sprout. In another few weeks I will be able to transplant into individual cells. If you are interested in the light table in the picture: I am also excited about this new GardenSavvy App. Its “AI” feature is very handy when I go to a nursery as it gives me the ability to look up plant information on the spot.