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Going into hibernation. End of season.

A. E. Oh no 😩

Raindrops ☔ on my cotinus.

Got a little helper to put the “clean” dirt in buckets

M C. Bless 🥰

A. E. Thank you

Cleaning up the dirt using a sifter

My zucchini was not producing fruit, so I asked GardenAI. It told me to add potassium and a week later my problems were solved.

First year of gardening turned out better than expected. Made a lot of mistakes but happy with the progress I made.

John Ehrling Glad to hear it. Excellent photography too!

I have no garden.

John Ehrling You cane to the right place to learn from gardeners!

Debbie Allman Thank you

It’s been hot, hot, hot in California the first month of autumn, so we need to know what drought-tolerant plants will survive and thrive. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian shares her suggestions in this endless summer.
