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Tomatoes growing in my garden!

Terrissa Yay! We have so many tomatoes growing too! Can't wait for them to be ready.

Look at these hostas blooming!

To keep your summer garden blooming brighter, Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian shares her expertise

Two-Tasty tomatoes in my garden. I love the blue stripe!

Finally getting back to writing notes. Been having surgery on both eyes and continuing with PT BUT...I'm out in the garden. Back in June, my families got together and helped plant the garden. It was a huge undertaking and one I graciously welcomed. They've been so good to me since surgery.
So, what do I have in the garden? Tomatoes (36 dif. varieties), Squashes (lots), Melons, Beans, onions, garlic, peppers (40 dif., mild, tame), kale, collards, carrots, celery, lovage, sorrel, walking onions, rutabaga and herbs. Then my herb garden is full of 25 dif. kinds of plants. This year, I ventured out with a "Green Stalk" and I love it. May end up getting more of these. This is where I grow all my lettuce (5 kinds), Spinach, cilantro, parsley, flowers, strawberries, basil (3 kinds) and few peppers. Porch is also lined with tomato plants and Stevia.
Could not weed or even go to the garden for anything until Tuesday (a week ago) so spending every day catching up on garden duties....spending a few hours a day. Garlic and onions will be finished and ready to pull next week. Can hardly wait. I've missed nurturing my garden so forgets how much you miss doing until you can't do it. So...we've had plenty of rain in June, now we need the sun. Enjoy the rest of your gardening.

John Ehrling Wow sounds like you have a great garden! I would love to see photos! [:healthyapple]

Hello there! We are new to the Garden Savvy community. Our first step is outlining our raised garden beds we made via the HortiSketch program. We are having issues creating custom raised garden bed dimensions in HortiSketch - is there a way to do this? We have three 4x4 ft beds, two - 3x6 ft beds, and two custom "C" shaped beds at 6'x7'x2'x3'x3'x3'x2' (see photo). Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you :)

John Ehrling Hi Jenny, we are adding a new feature that will enable you to create this. Keep an eye out! It is coming this Summer!!

When nature talks, do you know how to listen? Pay attention. Info

I grabbed these 4 hydrangeas and 1 abelia for free from ace hardware, just as they were about to throw them out. 🥰 I think with a litte TLC they will bounce back just fine.

I have been forgetting to update on here, going to try to get more pictures of what is blooming/growing in the garden soon! All my early seeds I started indoors didn't do well after being set out. Thankfully they were mostly fast growing leafy greens I was able to direct sow quickly. We picked greens for quite a while before pulling them for hot weather crops. I also was able to dehydrate and powder a good mix of greens to add to smoothies!

Tomatoes are looking pretty good, but for some reason peppers are growing very slowly...I haven't had this problem before so I'm not sure what's wrong. :/

A fun surprise earlier in the season was pumpkin plants popping up in a few different spots. Last fall after my sons were finished with their Halloween pumpkins, they smashed them in the garden. And now we have volunteers everywhere, with little pumpkins starting to grow now! We've tried growing pumpkins before with no success, so maybe this will be the method we use from now on. 😂

John Ehrling Excellent growing. I love what you’re doing here.

BTW, we are working on an app for this community. Keep an eye out! I can’t what to share it with everyone. We are bringing in new features never before seen!