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Check out our latest Story of Eald on Simplicity in Homesteading:

Our latest Story of Eald on embracing impermanence is read for your autumn reading:

Fall Flying: Millions of birds are migrating. It’s perilous. Many make thousand-mile journeys twice a year: spring and autumn. They migrate because of the change in weather, availability of food, and breeding cycles. How can you help?

Check out our latest Story of Eald, "Harvest of Life"

Hello to all our followers! If you're interested in finding even more meaning in your gardening, you'll enjoy our posts every Monday and Friday on "Stories of Eald". Here is our our latest post on Stoicism and Self-Sufficiency:

just bought a black elephant ear plant! looking for care tips 🖤

John Ehrling Hi Destiny, have you tried our GardenAI? It is perfect for finding answers for this

I just joined Garden Savvy. I love it. New to me this year is this cup and saucer vine.

John Ehrling Nice growing!

More from the heirloom seed expo!

Saw this at the heirloom seed expo.

Connie Where is that expo? I love it!