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Planting pepper seeds today inside! I’m so excited.

Terrissa Yay! I'm planning to start mine this week. What varieties are you starting?

Sarah I just did mine this weekend.

Hello. I'm going start gardening again after health problems forced me to stop, I'm going do some contatiner gardening for the first time. If anyone has any tips. i would appreciate it.

Tommy Tomatoes Make sure your containers have adequate drainage. Too much water in the base can rot your plants roots!

Jessica What are you planning to plant?

Kathy Ritscher 4 years ago I was where you are today. Starting over and dealing with mobility issues. I grow most of my garden in containers and raised beds. Some Containers are on chairs for easier reaching. Others are on the ground but I use a chair to work those. I also have a garden chair on wheels that helps a lot. I can roll next to the raised bed or container without getting up and down. I grow most anything in the containers. I also tend to grow multiple plants in them. I will have a tomato growing up on some trellis or frame. Under it will be basil, marigolds and anything else I decide to put in. Think high, medium and low when planting. Layers are easier to water and maintain.

Starting seeds in house

Starting seeds early indoors

Today marks the first day, my wife and I begin our first garden together 💪. Spent nearly $250 on seeds, soil, and seed trays LOL. Talk about jumping in head first!!!

John Ehrling Money well spent is what I say! Gardening is fun!

Hello Gardeners! I am a Nature Specialists taking on a new adventure managing a 1-acre Nature Center on the grounds of an elementary school in Southern California 10b. Half acre is California Native plants representing 4 ecosystems represented in our State. The other half is an established/semi established fruit orchard, aviary and reptile refuge, aquaponics system and hands on learning garden (planters and in ground). I will have my hands full but up for the challenge! Would love to connect with this community for encouragement and support, especially if you are in a similar setting!

Lizzie That sounds amazing! I am looking forward to all you have to share, welcome!

Terrissa Very exciting! I'd love to follow along with you. :) I love having native plants in my garden here in Kansas zone 6.

Sarah So beautiful

Finally getting lavender to sprout!!

Terrissa Exciting! I so want to grow lavender in my garden, but every year I've tried, they never do well. :/

Sarah This gives me hope. I too was unsuccessful last year...fingers crossed for 2023!