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We are getting VERY close to our estimated last frost date here in southwestern KY! April The latest frost I've seen here was actually a hard freeze on May 5, 2020. How close are you all to being able to plant free of frost?!

How is the sage and stone homestead going?

Heather Stone Hi Tommy!! It's going well. I took a week off from filming to catch up on some things and I'm feeling refreshed! How are you?

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I’m new to growing from seed. This is my current setup and I think it’s working. Some of seedlings are leggy but I’m hoping they will survive. It seems to me they are growing slowly or maybe I’m impatient. Do you fertilize your seedlings? If so, what do you use?

You guys here get all the skinny on the things I haven't shown on youtube! Guess what's growing in our hydroponic garden?!

We are diving hard into perennial stuff this year, more berry bushes and trees. More strawberries in more places. Do you have perennials in your garden?

We are looking at a property in Ohio this week, it will be a new gardening adventure for sure! Fingers crossed.

DeepPlanter What part of Ohio? Good luck! [:healthyapple]

Heather Stone EEP YAY!!

Cathy Southern Ohio! Within 5 hours of my favorite goat and bee lady!!!!!!!!

Lizzie That's awesome, good luck!

Heather Stone Who recognizes this space?! have you gotten a chance to try out the hortisketch garden planner for FREE? If you do decide to purchase the garden planner, don't forget to use coupon code SageStone5!

Heather Stone Hortisketch Garden Planner:

Does anyone recognize this space?! This is what our raised bed garden would look like if you were getting a bird's eye view!! I'm planning exactly wehere to plant those brassicas I started a week ago, and I LOVE the Hortisketch program for garden planning! Have you had a chance to check it out (completely FREE trial)? If you end up loving it don't forget you can use Coupon Code SageStone5 for a discount!!

I've built our U shaped beds in the only way I could see how to, and it works well even if it looks a little funny haha <3
Hortisketch Garden Planner:>

I'm from the north and just moved to the south and ave had a pretty large garden for 20 plus years, but down here is whole different gardening experience. Definately needing some input and advice along the way

Heather Stone Hello and welcome!! What part of the south are you gardening in now? [:healthycarrot]

Cathy Where are you fron Chissy? I'm a NY state yankee!

Who here is planning a garden this year? Will it be your first garden? This is going to be our 5th gardening season!!

Cathy my garlic is planted but if I will do a garden this year is still up in the air. If I do it will be smaller (much) than last year. We are hoping to move! If the right property pops up we are going. Moving my pantry is daunting to say the least.

Chissy I just moved my pantry, soo not fun.

Heather Stone We ate down our pantry before moving to our homestead and then Covid hit and things shut down and we had very little stocked up, that was scary!!! I have a feeling that won't happen again in our lifetime though. Hopefully not!