Some indoor growing. Lots of begonias, and some assorted vegetables.
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Any of the homesteaders on here have a guide for canning tomatoes? I am considering getting into canning.
Lizzie Yes I am going to try and plant them in pots this year instead of in the ground. Fingers crossed!
Heather Stone What a beauty!
Bren That is a gorgeous photo!!! I love growing beets mostly for their leafy greens! Bulls Blood is my favorite - I grow in a raised bed in roughly 12inches by 24 inches space.
Terrissa This will be my first year with beets! We'll see how it goes. Any tips would be appreciated :D
Cathy If I had to pick a favorite? Kale. Crazy I know but I love it!
Lizzie We love growing cucumbers but we really did enjoy our cherry tomato's last year!
Bren All kinds of tomatoes!!! Don't limit yourself - grow as many different varieties as you can fit to see what works in your garden and menu!
Garden World Good looking harvest
Tommy Tomatoes Thanks!
Lizzie little cutie
Garden World awwww
Jillian very nice