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Not the best photo of it, but a very pretty clematis I saw in a garden I visited last week.

A. E. Beautiful purple color

A. E. Beautiful purple color

Can't remember the name of this one, but I love the colour.

A. E. The petals look so delicate

Gorgeous 🥰 scent to this rose, Rose De Rescht.

Yellow trumpet's 🎺 of my petunias.

A. E. I have something similar

You can't beat a bit of bunting.

Finally opening, loads of flowers and buds still to open.

Anacleta Steffen Pretty. Lucky you

Bumble bee 🐝 enjoying the poppies. You can see the hook they use on their feet to hold on.

A. E. Wow what a great close up

A. E. Wow what a great close up

M C. Nice one Lil.

Beachbiddie Awesome photo

Created a new video Bumble bee

Busy buzzing

John Ehrling Cool video!

Love the clash of colours between the hosta and hydrangea.

I'm loving the combination, pot and plant. 👍

John Ehrling So cool! It makes me think of a veggie chia pet.

Bonnie Where did you get the pot?

L C From a garden centre, but I can't remember which one. But I think it is a Gisela Graham pot.

A. E. I have a similar plant

A. E. I have a similar plant