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Do these look leggy to anyone?

My lights are about 4ā€ above the plants.

Got some seeds started today.

Iā€™m going to sell starter plants for $3.00ea.
I have a few neighbors that have show interest. As well as some family.
I figure it will save people money since the box stores have gotten so expensive.

John Ehrling What are you growing?

bob I started, broccoli and cauliflower last week.
This past weekend I started round 1 of peppers and tomatoes. I also direct sowed some carrots.

Next weekend Iā€™ll be starting more peppers, tomatoes, and cucumbers.

Esmeralda Kadilliu What zone are you in?

bob Iā€™m in southwestern PA. 6b.

Here is my garden layout. The back yard is the new area I will be working this spring.

John Ehrling Nice layout!

bob Thank you

Hey everyone. New to this app.
I started gardening 3 years ago. Got hooked instantly. Iā€™ve been expanding my garden every year since.
Iā€™m up to 4 - 3x6 beds 4 - 3x10 beds, a small 40x20 corn field, and a 10x20 blackberry and raspberry field.
This year I am working to expand to my back yard with a 50x20 in ground garden.
This year I am starting everything from seed.
Here are a few pics of my seed starting set up.

I started cauliflower, broccoli and peppers today.
Canā€™t wait for the upcoming season.

Please feel free to give some critiques or suggestions on my seed starting set up.


John Ehrling You have a great setup