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New way to show off shrub

Emily Thank you. I think I got it! Tulips at Clark Garden.

Emily Like

Emily More beautiful flowers at Clark Garden.


I love when the tulips bl

I heard planting marigolds, catnip and sage can keep away mosquitoes so I’m going try it

Happy Easter. I made a hummus dip and stuck fresh vegetables in the “dirt”

Flowers are starting to pop up. Can’t wait for warm wea

So much rain in NY. Flowers are starting to bud

I can’t seem to keep this rosemary plant alive.

Mel Me too! I buy one every season in hopes it will come back but it never does

A. E. Thanks

Toni Me three. I have 4 dead ones kicking around the garden right now.
Why is it I can grow exotic weird hard to grow things but yet common old rosemary fails?!

Finally fully op

Almost totally in full bloo

John Ehrling Beautiful!

Almost bloom

Emily Just beginning to think about my community garden at Clark Gardens and what I will plant this spring.