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I’m into aromatherapy and I’m wondering on how to grow my herbs for a living, any tips and ideas would

John Ehrling How do you plan to grow? Indoors, or outdoors?

Kj Lee storms Both

John Ehrling I think the easiest way to get started is with containers. Make sure the containers drain well to prevent waterlogging and that your herbs have plenty of sun. At least 6 hours.

After maturity, be careful not to over harvest them as that can hinder additional growth.

Does anyone have Pinterest? Would like some veggie garden ideas? Thx

John Ehrling Look up GardenSavvyUSA

Hi I’m new here, do you have any tips on a garden layout?

John Ehrling What are you looking to plant? Flowers, veggies, an orchard?

Kj Lee storms Veggies

John Ehrling Easiest thing to do would be to utilize raised beds. You can build them yourself or buy premade ones.